Syrian women Highlights on reality – issues of concern to women in northern Syria
The Justice for Peace centre held a workshop under the title: Syrian women Highlights on reality – issues of concern to women in northern Syria With the aim of reaching a safe and healthy society in which justice, equality and respect for human rights prevail, by understanding the mechanisms for achieving a comprehensive renaissance of the family, which is the basic building block in building society, based on strengthening the role of women in performing their duties and preserving their rights. This workshop was attended by a group of women lawyers, jurists and activists in the field of human rights in general and women’s rights in particular. Where the focus was on the most important issues of concern to Syrian women and the problems they suffer from in light of the reality in which they live, which are: 1- Depriving women of education due to the conditions of war, displacement, poor services and the economic conditions they are going through. 2- Preferring the male over the female, especially from the parents, and this is caused by a wrong educational culture from childhood in dealing with the two sexes in daily family affairs, or in financial donations, or in expressing opinions and other negative educational aspects in dealing with the female. 3- Lack of moral respect for women on the part of some men. 4- Depriving women of a leadership role in society. Suggestions and recommendations: 1- Intensifying sessions and meetings to discuss the aforementioned issues and other issues of concern to women and work to address them. 2- Communicating with the bodies that support and sponsor women’s projects to enable and support them. 3- Work to enhance the culture of the role of women in society through seminars and workshops and through social media platforms. 4- Work to educate all segments of society according to a dedicated program that highlights the aforementioned women’s issues and work to address them 5- Empowering women economically and securing decent housing for them and their children